21 detection points
iAnalyze’s graders are checking each picture for 21 well known changes in the eye.
The known changes are listed here:
- Diabetic Retinopathy –possible outcomes are as follows:
- R0 = No retinopathy
- R1 = Background retinopathy
- R2 = Pre-proliferative retinopathy
- R3 = Proliferative retinopathy
- M0 = No maculopathy
- M1 = Maculopathy
- Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration – One of the most common urgent Non DR condition we can detect / either in the macular or at the optic disc
- Microembolisam – Highlighted as a sign a patient may be at risk from stroke – we would suggest referring these patients for further tests.
- Disc swelling – Although difficult to detect from a 2 dimensional image if spotted will be reported
- Media opacity – A cataract being the most common cause of a blurry image with any media opacity we would ask that the photographer takes an anterior shot to confirm
- Cellophane maculopathy – This is identifiable in most advanced cases reported on if the vision is 6/18 or worse
- Cotton wool spots – This may indicate hypertensive changes in a patient or may well be the result of diabetic retinopathy as well as a whole host of conditions and will be reported where found
- Disorder of anterior segment of the eye – Anything which can affect the anterior of the eye which could potentially cause disturbance such a pterygium or pinguecula will be reported if seen, this will of course be dependent on an anterior shot being provided
- Dry senile macular degeneration – This is typically reported on where the is significant vision loss
- Nevus of choroid – Where detected this patent images should be compared to previous to look for change or suspicious features
- Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium – Multiple, bilateral lesions can be associated with Gardner’s syndrome, an autosomal dominant disease which invariably results in colon cancer by the fifth decade of life. Any suspicious lesions will be reported on if seen.
- Optic Disc splinter Haemorrhage – This can indicate further tests for glaucoma are needed
- Optic cupping – This can also indicate glaucoma
- Posterior capsule opacification – This is reported on as it can result in a blurry image effecting the ability to screen for retinopathy
- Retinal detachment – Sometimes visible in the image and reported on
- Retinal drusen -This may indicate that a patient is at risk of dry age related macular degeneration
- Retinal venous central / branch vein occlusion – All occlusion where identified will be reported, typically an urgent referral will be indicated
- Asteroid hyalosis – This may indicate a recent retinal detachment or may well be a long standing condition however it is commonly found in patients
- Glaucoma – There are many symptoms of glaucoma and so any that are detected will be reported
- Macular hole – These will be reported on where detected to prevent avoidable vision loss
- Retinal macroaneurysm – These are typically linked to hypertension and so reported on.