Welcome to iAnalyze

- iAnalyze Screens Patients online.
- iAnalyze provides answers within 24 hours.
- iAnalyze is your guarantee for valid results.
- iAnalyze is the most secure analysis of fundus in the market
Quality guaranteed
iAnalyze utilises higly trained graders, who are specialists in the anatomy and illnesses of the eye. Read more about the graders and their education.
Fast reaction
The software will automatically upload the selected fundus images to the grader within seconds.
The grader will thoroughly check the images for 21 well known changes in the eye.
See the 21 known changes.
The analysis is concluded with a written guidance report, and the reply to the analysis is returned to the software mailbox within 24 hours. The analysis can either be printet or emailed to the customer or eye doctor directly from the software.
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